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Common Nursery & Landscaper Definitions

Common Nursery & Landscaper Definitions


Term Definition Characteristics Examples Emoticon
Natives Plants indigenous to a specific region or ecosystem. Adapted to local conditions, low maintenance. Kangaroo Paw, Eucalyptus. 🌱
Seedlings Young plants that have recently germinated from seeds. Early growth stage, delicate, require care. Tomato Seedlings, Lettuce Seedlings. 🌱🌱
Ornamental Plants grown for their aesthetic value, including flowers, foliage, and shapes. Attractive, decorative, varied. Roses, Tulips, Japanese Maples. 🌸
Evergreen Plants that retain their leaves throughout the year. Year-round foliage, consistent greenery. Pine Trees, Holly Bushes, Magnolia. 🌲
Deciduous Plants that shed their leaves annually, usually in the autumn. Seasonal leaf drop, winter dormancy. Maple Trees, Oaks, Birches. 🍁
Annuals Plants that complete their life cycle in one growing season. Rapid growth, short-lived, often vibrant. Marigolds, Petunias, Zinnias. 🌼
Perennials Plants that live for more than two years, often flowering annually. Long-lived, recurring blooms. Hostas, Daylilies, Lavender. 🌿
Biennials Plants that take two years to complete their life cycle. First year vegetative growth, second year flowering. Foxgloves, Carrots, Parsley. 🌾
Shrubs Woody plants with multiple stems, typically shorter than trees. Bushy, often used for hedges. Boxwood, Hydrangeas, Azaleas. 🌳
Ground Covers Low-growing plants that spread to cover the ground, preventing weed growth and soil erosion. Dense, spreading growth. Creeping Thyme, Vinca, Ivy. πŸ€
Succulents Plants with thick, fleshy parts adapted to store water, often drought-resistant. Water-storing leaves/stems, low water needs. Aloe Vera, Echeveria, Sedum. 🌡
Climbers/Vines Plants that grow upwards by clinging to or wrapping around structures. Climbing habit, often require support. Clematis, Ivy, Wisteria. πŸŒΏπŸ§—β€β™‚οΈ
Herbs Plants used for culinary, medicinal, or aromatic purposes. Fragrant, often used in cooking. Basil, Mint, Rosemary. πŸŒΏπŸƒ
Bulbs Plants that grow from bulbs, which are underground storage organs. Seasonal blooms, often spring or summer flowering. Tulips, Daffodils, Lilies. 🌷
Tropicals Plants that originate from tropical climates, often needing warm temperatures and high humidity. Exotic appearance, sensitive to cold. Orchids, Hibiscus, Bird of Paradise. 🌺
Conifers Cone-bearing evergreen trees and shrubs with needle-like or scale-like leaves. Year-round foliage, woody cones. Pines, Spruces, Firs. 🌲
Decumbent Plants with stems that lie flat on the ground but have tips that grow upward. Spreading habit, often used for ground cover. Creeping Juniper, Ground Morning Glory. πŸŒΏβ¬†οΈ
Epiphytes Plants that grow on other plants but are not parasitic, obtaining moisture and nutrients from the air. Air plants, require high humidity. Tillandsia (Air Plants), Orchids. 🌿🌬️
Xerophytes Plants adapted to survive in dry, desert-like conditions. Drought-resistant, water-storing tissues. Cacti, Agave, Yucca. 🌡🌞
Hedging Plants Plants specifically used to create hedges, often pruned to form dense, uniform barriers. Dense foliage, tolerant of regular pruning. Boxwood, Privet, Laurel. πŸŒ³βœ‚οΈ
Aquatic Plants Plants that grow in or near water, adapted to thrive in aquatic environments. Water-tolerant, often submerged or floating. Water Lilies, Lotus, Cattails. 🌊🌸
Alpines Plants native to mountainous regions, often hardy and compact. Cold-tolerant, low-growing. Saxifraga, Alpine Poppy, Edelweiss. πŸ”οΈπŸŒΈ
Herbaceous Plants Non-woody plants with soft stems that die back to the ground each year. Soft stems, regrow from roots annually. Daisies, Peonies, Ferns. 🌿🌼
Topiary Plants pruned and trained into ornamental shapes. Requires regular trimming, used in formal gardens. Boxwood, Holly, Privet. πŸŒ³βœ‚οΈπŸŒΏ
Creepers Low-growing plants that spread horizontally along the ground. Spreading habit, covers ground surfaces. Creeping Jenny, Ivy, Creeping Thyme. 🌿➑️
Standard Trees Trees that are trained to have a single, straight trunk and a rounded canopy. Formal appearance, often used in landscaping. Roses (tree form), Olive Trees. πŸŒ³πŸ›€οΈ
Espaliers Trees or shrubs trained to grow flat against a wall or trellis. Space-saving, decorative. Apple Trees, Pear Trees, Camellias. 🌳🏑
Woody Plants Plants that produce wood as their structural tissue. Includes trees, shrubs, and some vines. Oaks, Pines, Roses (shrub form). 🌳πŸͺ΅
Bedding Plants Plants grown in flower beds for seasonal display. Often annuals or short-lived perennials. Pansies, Petunias, Impatiens. πŸŒΌπŸ›οΈ
Cover Crops Plants grown primarily to improve soil health and fertility. Used in crop rotation, prevents erosion. Clover, Rye, Alfalfa. 🌾🌱
Bare Root Plants Dormant plants sold without soil around their roots. Easier to transport, often cheaper. Roses, Fruit Trees, Strawberries. πŸŒ±πŸ“¦
Container Plants Plants grown and sold in pots or containers. Ready to transplant, includes a wide range of species. Annuals, Perennials, Shrubs. πŸͺ΄
Grafted Plants Plants produced by joining the tissues of two plants so that they grow as one. Combines desirable traits of both plants. Grafted Roses, Fruit Trees. πŸŒΏπŸ”—
Microgreens Young vegetable greens harvested shortly after germination. Nutritious, grown indoors or in small spaces. Radish, Arugula, Kale. 🌱πŸ₯—
Plug Plants Young plants grown in small, individual cells, ready for transplanting. Easy to handle, quick to establish. Bedding Plants, Herbs, Vegetables. πŸŒ±πŸ”Œ
Transplants Young plants that are moved from one growing location to another. Ensures better spacing and growth conditions. Tomatoes, Peppers, Broccoli. πŸŒ±β†”οΈ
Softwood Cuttings Young, flexible growth taken from the current season's growth. Root quickly, used for propagation. Hydrangeas, Lavenders, Fuchsias. πŸŒΏβœ‚οΈπŸͺ΄
Hardwood Cuttings Mature, firm growth taken from the previous season's growth. Takes longer to root, used for propagation. Roses, Grapes, Forsythia. πŸŒ³βœ‚οΈπŸͺ΄
Rhizomes Underground stems that produce shoots and roots from their nodes. Spread horizontally, can be invasive. Ginger, Bamboo, Iris. 🌿🌿
Tubers Swollen, underground stems that store nutrients. Grow into new plants, can be edible. Potatoes, Dahlias, Begonias.
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