Category | Signs of Sick Indoor Plants |
Color | |
Yellowing Leaves | Yellow leaves that may indicate nutrient deficiencies or overwatering. |
Browning Leaves | Brown tips or edges on leaves, often caused by underwatering or low humidity. |
Pale Leaves | Pale green or yellowish leaves, which could be a sign of insufficient light. |
Reddish Leaves | Reddish or purple tint on leaves, usually due to exposure to excessive sunlight. |
Drooping Leaves | Leaves that are wilting and hanging down, indicating underwatering or root problems. |
Blackened Leaves | Leaves turning black or dark brown, often a sign of fungal infections. |
Stunted Growth | Slower growth than usual, suggesting nutritional issues or root problems. |
No New Growth | Lack of new leaves or stems despite proper care, possibly due to root rot. |
Soil | |
Moldy Soil | Presence of mold or fungus on the soil surface due to excessive moisture. |
Soil Compaction | Soil that becomes hard and compacted, hindering proper drainage and root health. |
Foul Odor | A foul, musty odor emanating from the soil, indicating root rot or poor drainage. |
Algae Growth | Algae growth on the soil surface, often due to excessive watering and poor air circulation. |
Pests | |
Tiny Insects | Presence of small insects like aphids, mealybugs, or spider mites on leaves. |
Yellow Sticky Traps | Use of yellow sticky traps to catch and monitor flying pests like fungus gnats. |
Chewed Leaves | Leaves with irregular holes or chew marks, suggesting the presence of caterpillars or beetles. |
Sticky Leaves | Sticky residue on leaves, which can be a sign of honeydew secreted by aphids. |
Webbing | Fine webbing on plants, indicating the presence of spider mites or other web-spinning pests. |
Visible Eggs | Presence of pest eggs or egg sacs on leaves or stems. |
Distorted Growth | Deformed or misshapen leaves and stems caused by certain pests. |
Spots | |
Brown Spots | Brown or dark spots on leaves, possibly due to fungal infections or overwatering. |
Yellow Spots | Yellow spots on leaves, often a sign of fungal or bacterial diseases. |
White Powdery Residue | A white, powdery substance on leaves, indicative of powdery mildew. |
Black Spots | Black spots on leaves or stems, which may be a sign of sooty mold or fungal issues. |
Waterlogged Patches | Patches of soft, waterlogged tissue on leaves, often a symptom of bacterial infections. |
Rust-colored Spots | Rust-colored spots or pustules on leaves, a sign of rust fungal infections. |
Ring Spots | Circular, ring-like patterns on leaves, possibly indicating viral infections. |
Wilting and Browning at Leaf Edges | Wilting and browning starting at the edges of leaves, a sign of leaf tip burn due to salt buildup. |
Leaf Curling | Leaves curling or cupping, which can be caused by various stress factors or pests. |
Texture | |
Sticky Leaves | Sticky or tacky feel to leaves due to the presence of honeydew secreted by pests. |
Sticky Residue on Soil | Sticky residue on the soil surface, often from honeydew falling from leaves. |
Leaf Droplets | Glistening droplets on leaves, known as guttation, caused by excessive moisture uptake. |
Slimy Stems | Stems developing a slimy or slippery texture, indicating bacterial infection. |
Miscellaneous | |
Excessive Leaf Drop | Dropping of a significant number of leaves, which can result from stress or disease. |
Weak and Leggy Growth | Tall, spindly growth with weak stems, a sign of inadequate light. |
Twisted or Deformed Growth | Twisted or distorted stems and leaves, often due to viral infections. |
Discolored Stems | Stems developing unusual colors, which can be a sign of disease. |
Fading Flowers | Flowers losing color or wilting prematurely, indicating problems with care. |
Fuzzy Mold | Fuzzy, mold-like growth on the soil surface or plant parts, suggestive of mold issues. |
Excessive Thorns | An abnormal increase in thorn production on thorny plant varieties. |
Leaning or Lopsided Growth | Plants leaning to one side or growing lopsided, often due to uneven light exposure. |